Posted by: Eye Specialists and Surgeons of Northern Virginia in Uncategorized

With the FDA approval of Collagen Cross-linking many patients suffering with keratoconus have resurfaced asking what options are available. Dr. Josephson, a fellowship trained Cornea Surgeon, is a pioneer in the latest technology for keratoconus. We offer FDA approved collagen cross-linking in our office. We also offer INTACS which with a very quick and easy laser approach we can place a segment that allows the cornea to mold into a more normal shape. Intacs with cross-linking can make a reshaped-better cornea a permanent reality. If you are having haloes and glare with suboptimal vision you may have this debilitating condition that now is treatable. Furthermore many insurers are recognizing these procedures and providing coverage. Call our office at 571-349-2191 or visit us at to schedule your evaluation.