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We are honored to serve along side our Community Partners like the Lamb Center in Fairfax Virginia. Dr. John Josephson was recently mentioned in a publication from the Lamb Center regarding restoration of sight that we are proud and humbled to share with you all.
The Gift of New Vision
August 12, 2016
As he approached Jericho, a blind man was sitting by the roadside begging.When he heard a crowd going by, he asked what was happening.They told him, “Jesus of Nazareth[a]is passing by.”Then he shouted, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Luke 18: 35-38 NRSV
When this blind man outside of Jericho heard that Jesus was passing by, he shouted to Jesus, the son of David, to have mercy on him. He would not be quieted by the crowd who felt Jesus had no time for a blind beggar, but yelled even louder. This blind beggar had no name since society had already given him a label. Jesus always saw through these labels and knew him as a precious child of God. When Jesus asked what he wanted, the man knew he wanted to see. Vision would transform his life in so many ways. With vison, he would no longer be labeled as “that blind beggar.”
Joshua had always been a hard worker, but working became impossible when he lost his vision. Since he was unable to work and he had no family to turn to, he ended up without housing in suburban Fairfax. Joshua found himself confined to a suburban shopping center in the second wealthiest county in the United States. People in the community were concerned about Joshua and one couple, working as the hands and feet of Jesus, reached out to the Lamb Center for assistance.
When Joshua came to the Lamb Center, we referred him to Dr. Joanna Barnett, who has provided free eye examinations for many of our guests through the “Gift of Sight” program. Dr. Barnett diagnosed Joshua with mature cataracts in both eyes and referred Joshua to Dr. John Josephson of Eye Specialists and Surgeons of Northern Virginia for cataract surgery. Despite the maturity of the cataracts, this surgery was successful. Like the man on the road to Jericho, Joshua “glorified God” for a second chance to see. Like the man on the road to Jericho, Joshua can experience new possibilities in his life as old labels fall to the wayside.
In Christ’s Love,
Dave Larrabee
The Lamb Center
3160 Campbell Dr.
Fairfax VA
P.O. Box 1385